S. A. Iakab, P. Ràfols, X. Correig, Gold-coated Black Silicon: An Efficient Substrate for Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry, 17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors 2018, Vienna, 15-19 July 2018. Download


E. Del Castillo, P. Ràfols, M. Martins-Green, N. Ramírez, J. Brezmes, O. Yanes, and X. Correig. An automated workflow for untargeted analysis of metabolomics LDI-MS images. OurCon V Conference 2017, Doorn (NL), 25-28 September 2017. Download

P. Ràfols, E. Del Castillo, B. Heijs, L. McDonnell, J. Brezmes, O. Yanes, X. Correig P. rMSIproc: An R package that implements a complete high mass resolution spectrometry imaging pre-processing pipeline with optimized memory footprint and performance. OurCon V Conference 2017, Doorn (NL), 25-28 September 2017. Download

P. Ràfols, D. Vilalta, N. Ramirez, E. Del Castillo, J. Brezmes, O. Yanes, X. Correig. Exploratory analysis of sputtered metal layers for application to mass spectrometry imaging. OurCon V Conference 2017, Doorn (NL), 25-28 September 2017. Download

S.A. Iakab, P. Rafols, O. Yanes, R. Calavia, X. Correig. Design and fabrication of gold-coated nano-structured silicon wafers with hydrophilic wells for LDI-MS analysis. XIV Reunión Ibernam, Valladolid, 28-29 September 2017. Download

Rocío Fuertes Martín, Núria Amigó Grau, Joan Carles Vallvé, Silvia Paredes, Dèlia Taverner, Lluis Masana, Xavier Correig Blanchar. Characterization of glycoprotein and lipoprotein profiles of rheumatoid arthritis (ra) patients by 1h-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR). 84th European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) Congress,  Prague (Czech Republic), 23-26 April 2017. Download


Rocío Fuertes Martín, Núria Amigó Grau, Joan Carles Vallvé, Silvia Paredes, Dèlia Taverner, Lluis Masana, Xavier Correig Blanchar. Charaterization of Rheumathoid Arthritis (RA) patiens by 1H-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-NMR). CSC-Copenhagen School of Chemometrics 18/04/2016. Download

Capellades J, Navarro M, Matheron L, Samino S, Heck A, Mohammed S, Sales M, Guimerà R, Yanes O. The proteome drives metabolite behavior: Using quantitative proteomics to reveal altered metabolites. International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Barcelona, 16-20 September 2016. Download

Domingo-Almenara X, Brezmes J, Vinaixa M, Samino S, Diaz M, Ibanez L, Correig X, Perera A, Yanes O. eRah: a computational tool integrating spectral deconvolution and alignment with quantification and iden- tification of metabolites in GC-MS-based metabolomics. Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (CAC), (June 2016), Barcelona, Spain. Download

Domingo-Almenara X, Perera A, Vivo-Truyols G, Brezmes J. R2D2: an R package for the automated profiling of GCxGC-MS samples in untargeted metabolomics. 15th GCxGC Symposium (June 2016), Riva del Garda, Italy. Download


Miriam Navarro, Jordi Capellades, Sara Samino, Maria Vianixa, Marta Garcia-Ramirez, Cristina Hernandez, Rafael Simo. Global 13C tracking reveals altered metabolic fluxes in retinal pigment epithelium under hyperglycemic and hypoxic conditions. The 6th EMBO meeting, 6-8 September 2015, Birmingham, UK. Download

Miriam Navarro, Jordi Capellades, Judit Toldrà, Sara Samino, Maria Vianixa, Marta Garcia-Ramirez, Cristina Hernandez, Rafael Simo, DJ Burks, LA Noon, Oscar Yanes. Exploring the metabolic changes occurring in in vitro and in vivo models of diabetic retinopathy. The 11th International conference of the metabolomics society , June 29th– July 2nd 2015, San Francisco, California. Download

R. Barrilero, X. Correig. Improving the Quantification of Amino Acids in Plasma/Serum by 1H-NMR Spectroscopy, Considering their Interaction with Human Serum Albumin. The 11th International conference of the metabolomics society , June 29th– July 2nd 2015, San Francisco, California. Download

P. Ràfols, D. Vilalta, N. Ramírez, R. Calavia, O. Yanes, A. Novials, C. Castaño, J. Brezmes, X. Correig. Acquisition and visualization of metabolic images of langerhans islets by ultra-high resolution LDI-MS imaging using Au nanolayers. The 11th International conference of the metabolomics society , June 29th– July 2nd 2015, San Francisco, California. Download

Jordi Capellades, Miriam Navarro, Sara Samino, Maria Vinaixa, Marta Garcia-Ramirez, Cristina Hernandez, Rafael Simo, Oscar Yanes. geoRge: a computational tool for stable isotope labelling detection in LC-MS untargeted metabolomics. The 11th International conference of the metabolomics society , June 29th– July 2nd 2015, San Francisco, California. Download

Xavier Domingo, Jesus Brezmes, Maria Vinaixa, Sara Samino, Noelia Ramirez, Xavier Correig, Alexandre Perera, Oscar Yanes. eRah: an R package for automatic spectra deconvolution, alignment, and library matching of metabolites from GC/TOFMS untargeted metabolomics. The 11th International conference of the metabolomics society , June 29th– July 2nd 2015, San Francisco, California. Download

Sara Samino, Xavi Domingo, Miriam Navarro, Maria Vinaixa, Cristina Hernandez, Marta García Ramirez, Xavier Correig, Rafa Simó, Oscar Yanes. An automatic workflow for analyzing untargeted stable isotope tracing experiments by GC-TOF MS. The 11th International conference of the metabolomics society , June 29th– July 2nd 2015, San Francisco, California. Download

D. Vilalta, N. Ramirez, R. Calavia, M. Vinaixa, P. Rafols, O. Yanes, R. de la Torre, N. Aguirre, N. Pizarro, X. Correig. Development of new WO3 solid– state surfaces for laser desorption/ionization MS metabolomics. The 11th International conference of the metabolomics society , June 29th– July 2nd 2015, San Francisco, California. Download

J. Gomez, N. Ramírez, M. Vinaixa, Miguel A. Rodríguez, Reza M. Salek, X. Correig, N. Cañellas. Whale:a package combining fingerprinting and targeted metabolite profiling to improve the extraction of metabolic information in NMR spectra. The 11th International conference of the metabolomics society , June 29th– July 2nd 2015, San Francisco, California. Download


Jordi Capellades, Miriam Navarro, Sara Samino, Maria Vinaixa, Oscar Yanes. GeoRge: Generalizable statistically-oriented R-workflow for isotopic label-tracking experiments. II Bioinformatics Simposium (JdB14), Barcelona, Spain. 12th December 2014. Download

Xavier Domingo, Francesc Fernández, Nicolau Canyellas, Alexandre Perera, Xavier Correig and Jesús Brezmes. Automatic compound deconvolution and alignment in comprehensive double gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry by blind source separation. 13th GCxGC Symposium, Riva del Garda, June 2014. Download

Roger Mallol, A. Cabré, N. Amigó, M. Heras, L. Masana, and X. Correig. Characterization of atherogenic dyslipidemia using a novel NMR-based advanced lipoprotein test in type 2 diabetic subjects. XXVII Congreso SEA Barcelona, Spain, 20 February – 21 February, 2014. Download

Roger Mallol, A. Cabré, N. Amigó, M. Heras, L. Masana and X. Correig. LipoScale: a novel advanced lipoprotein test based on 2D diffusion-ordered 1H NMR spectroscopy. 82nd EAS Congress Madrid, Spain, 31 May – 3 June, 2014. Download

Núria Amigó, R. Mallol, M. Heras, A. Cabré, N. Plana, F. Blanco5, R. Carmena, M.Vázquez-Carrera, L. Masana, X. Correig. Smaller and ‘Herniated’ HDL in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 82nd EAS Congress Madrid, Spain, 31 May – 3 June, 2014. Download

Sara Samino, Marta Díaz, Maria Vinaixa, Miguel A. Rodríguez, Roger Mallol, Antoni Beltran, Anna Cabré, Lluís Massana, Lourdes Ibáñez, Oscar Yanes. Untargeted metabolomics indicates impaired reverse transport  of choresterol in young lean PCOS patients. EMBL-EBI (UK) on March 17-21, 2014. Download


Roger Mallol, A. Cabré, M. Rodríguez, N. Amigó, M. Vinaixa, N. Plana4, M. Heras, L. Masana, X. Correig. Characterization of atherogenic dyslipidemia using a novel NMR-based advanced lipoprotein test in type 2 diabetic subjects. 81st EAS Congress, Lyon,  June 2-5, 2013. Download


Josep Gómez, Miguel A. Rodríguez, Roger Mallol, Jesús Brezmes, Nicolau Cañellas. Dolphin: A tool to automatically identify and quantify metabolites in NMR spectra. Graduated Students Meeting on Electronic Engineering. DEEEiA, Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona, June 21th and 22th, 2012.  Download

Sara Samino, Núria Colomé, Antoni Beltran, Maria Vinaixa, Miguel A. Rodríguez, Xavier Correig, Francesc Canals, Oscar Yanes. Inifying sample preparation for metabolomics and proteomic analysis. 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, May 20 – 24, 2012. Download

Antoni Beltran, Manuel Suárez, Miguel A. Rodríguez, Maria Vinaixa, Sara Samino, Lluís Arola, Xavier Correig, Oscar Yanes. Assessment of compatibility between extraction methods for NMR and LC/MS-based metabolomics. 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, May 20 – 24, 2012. Download


R. Mallol, M. Rodríguez, M. Heras, M. Vinaixa, N. Plana, N. Cañellas, J. Brezmes, L. Masana, X. Correig. Assessment of compositional differences in HDL particles between control and diabetic subjets using nucler magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 4th CIBERDEM Annual Meeting, Vall de Boí (Spain) Oct 23-26. 2011. Download

Maria Vinaixa, Rita Malpique, Sandra Rebufat, Miguel A. Rodríguez, Toni Beltran, Sara Samino, Oscar Yanes, Ramon Gomis, Xavier Correig. A metabolomics aproach to adipose tissue and beta cell cross-talk. 4th CIBERDEM Annual Meeting, Vall de Boí (Spain) Oct 23-26. 2011. Download

Sara Samino , Miguel A. Rodriguez, Maria Vinaixa, Xavier Correig, Cinta Bladé. NMR-based stable isotope profiling [U-13C] acetate incorporation into HepG2 lipidic metabolism. Metabomeeting 2011, Helsinki (Finland).  Sep, 2011. Download

R. Mallol, M. Rodríguez, M. Heras, M. Vinaixa, N. Plana, N. Cañellas, J. Brezmes, L. Masana, Gareth A. Morris, X. Correig. Particle Size Measurement of Lipoprotein Fractions Using Diffusion-Ordered NMR Spectroscopy. Small Molecule NMR Conference (SMASH), Chamonix (France). 18-21 September 2011. Download


Beltran, Antoni; Samino, Sara; Brugnara, Laura; Vinaixa, Maria; Rodríguez, Miguel. A; Murillo, Serafín; Bladé, Cinta; Correig, Xavier; Novials, Anna. An integrated 1H NMR, GC-MS and HPLC-(ESI/TOF) based metabolomics approach to the study of acute exercise in human serum metabolome. Advances in Metabolic Profiling. Florence, Italy. November 2010.  Download
**This poster won the award for the best poster at the Conference

Samino, Sara; Insenser, María; Vinaixa, María; Luque-Ramírez, Manuel; Correig, Xavier; Escobar-Morreale, Héctor F. An untargeted GC-MS based approach reveals lowered levels of alpha tocopherol in lean polycystic ovary syndrome women. 3rd CIBERDEM Annual Meeting, Prullans (Spain). Oct. 2010. Download

R. Mallol, M. Rodríguez, M. Vinaixa, N. Cañellas, J. Brezmes, M. Heras, N. Plana, L. Masana, X. Correig. Surface fitting of 2D Diffusion- 1H NMR H spectra of human plasma lipoproteins. Metabolomics2010, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). 27 June – 1 July 2010. Download

Samino, Sara; Brugnara, Laura; Vinaixa, Maria; Beltran, Antoni; Rodríguez, Miguel A.; Murillo, Serafín; Bladé, Cinta; Correig, Xavier; Novials, Anna. An integrated 1H NMR, HPLC-(ESI/TOF) and GC-MS based metabolomics approach to the study of acute exercise in human serum metabolome. Metabolomics2010, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). 27 June – 1 July 2010. Download

Samino, Sara; Vinaixa, Maria; Rodríguez, MiguelA.; Revuelta, Jesús; Bladé, Cita; Valverde, Angela; Correig, Xavier. NMR based metabolomics study of PTP1B deficiency influence on hepatic regeneration in mice. Metabolomics2010, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). 27 June – 1 July 2010. Download

Vinaixa, M.; Rodríguez, M.A.; Samino, S.; Revuelta, J.; Bladé, C.; Valverde, A.; Correig, X. A 1H-MAS-NMR based metabolomics study of PTP1B deficiency influence on hepatic regeneration in mice. Metabolomics and More. Munich, 10-12 March 2010. Download


Escobar-Morreale, Héctor F., Insenser, María, Vinaixa, María, Correig, Xavier, San Millán, José L. Metabolomic profile of plasma from patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and Non-hyperandrogenic women. 2n CIBERDEM Annual Meeting, Arnes (Spain) Oct. 2009. Download

Maria Vinaixa, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Anna Rull, Raúl Beltrán, Cinta Bladé, Jesus Brezmes, Nicolau Cañellas, Jorge Joven, Xavier Correig. A full quantitative NMR metabolomics liver profiling on genetically modified mice: assessing metabolic disarrangements in hepatic inflammation. The Fifth International Conference of The Metabolomics Society, Edmonton (Canada) Sep. 2009. Download

Roger Mallol, Julia Sigles, Jesus Brezmes, Nicolau Canyellas, Cinta Blade, Maria Vinaixa, Miguel Angel Rodriguez, Marta Díaz, Lourdes Ibañez and Xavier Correig. Study on Different NMR Serum Spectra Variable Selection Approaches for the Metabolomic Assessment of a Novel PCOS Treatment The Fifth International Conference of The Metabolomics Society, Edmonton (Canada) Sep. 2009. Download

Miguel Angel Rodriguez, Maria Vinaixa, Cinta Blade, Jesus Brezmes,Nicolau Cañellas and Xavier Correig. Metabolomics platform: a holistic approach in the exploration of metabolism. Small Molecule NMR Conference (SMASH), Chamonix, 2009. Download

Maria Vinaixa, Jesus Brezmes, Nicolau Cañellas, Miguel Angel Rodriguez, Paula Casano, Marta Díaz, Lourdes Ibañez and Xavier Correig. Metabolomic NMR study on basal and treated samples of women with hyperinsulinemic androgen excess. Metabomeeting 2009, Norwich (England) June 2009. Download

P. Ràfols