Óscar Yanes in the February issue of the magazine Diabetes Fede
Óscar Yanes: We create technological and computer tools for diabetes research”. You can read the full article at: https://www.ciberdem.org/noticias/%C3%B3scar-yanes-creamos-herramientas-tecnologicas-e-informaticas-para-la-investigacion-en-diabetes
Congratulations to PhD Student Stefania-Alexandra Iakab
Alexandra is the winner of a Poster Prize awarded for the excellent presentation of particularly significant innovative analytical research on the occasion of the “17th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors” (15-19 July 15-19, 2018, University of Vienna, Austria).
PhD Scholarship position in Data Processing and Analysis for Metabolomic Studies
The MiL@b (Metabolomics Interdisciplinary Laboratory) Research Group from the Rovira i Virgili University is seeking candidates to apply for a scholarship to obtain the PhD at our research facilities located in Tarragona (Catalonia, Spain). MiL@b is a multidisciplinary research group formed by chemists, biochemists, computer and telecommunication engineers that has a very close relationship with […]
Postdoctoral position in Metabolomics
The Metabolomics Platform from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (http://www.urv.cat/) is seeking candidates to apply for the Postdoctoral position Nº 2017PMF-POST2-8, (http://www.urv.cat/en/research/support/programmes/urv/programa-marti-franques/post-ii/) in the project Environmental Diabetogens Research by Metabolomics and Imaging. Candidates should have solid background on NMR and/or MS Metabolomics. Experience on MS imaging or bioinformatics for metabolomics will also be taken into […]
Seminar on Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Seminar: MASS SPECTROMETRY IMAGING: A KEY TECHNOLOGY FOR MOLECULAR HISTOLOGY Location: Sala Polivalent, Centre d’R+D+I en Nutrició I Salut, Av. Universitat 1, 43204 Reus Date: 9th Feb 2016, 10 h Info mail: formacio@iispv.cat Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI), is an emergent technique able to detect and spatially localize proteins, peptides and/or metabolites in animal or vegetal […]
Job position available to join Biosfer Teslab team
A three year, full-time position is available for a highly talented individual (f/m) to join our operations team at Biosfer Teslab, an in vitro diagnostic company based in Reust that develops novel NMR-based tests to improve cardiovascular risk assessment in patients at high cardio-metabolic risk. See offer here
Webinar by Dr. Oscar Yanes today 29 Jan 2015
Live webinar: Dr. Oscar Yanes – “Metabolomics: only suitable for multidisciplinary teams”. 29 Jan 2015. Brought to you by the Early-career Members Network of the Metabolomics Society. Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2409752719256762369. Download the Flyer.
New paper published
Remarkable quantitative and qualitative differences in HDL after niacin or fenofibrate therapy in type 2 diabetic patients. Luís Masana, Anna Cabré, Mercedes Heras, Núria Amigó, Xavier Correig, Sergio Martínez-Hervás, José T. Real, Juan F. Ascaso, Helena Quesada, Josep Julve, Xavier Palomer, Manuel V_azquez-Carrera, Josefa Girona, Núria Plana, Francisco Blanco-Vaca. Atherosclerosis 238 (2015) 213e219 See paper
Incorporation of Dr. Noelia Ramírez as a postdoctoral researcher
Dr. Noelia Ramírez, PhD on Analytical Chemistry, has joined the Metabolomics Platform as a postdoctoral researcher. Her research is focused on the development and validation of analytical methods for metabolite profiling and biomarkers detection by GC-MS, GC×GC-TOF/MS and MS imaging. She also works onenvironmental metabolomics, especially on thirdhand tobacco smoke characterization and health effects.
Incorporation of Dr. Radu Ionescu as a postdoctoral researcher
Dr. Radu Ionestu joined the Metabolomics Platform as a postdoctoral researcher with a grant Ramon y Cajal. Dr. Radu Ionescu is performing research in the field of non-invasive diseases diagnostics, prognosis, and monitoring. He works on diseases profiling and fingerprinting via the analysis of volatolomic samples (volatiles released by different body fluids such as exhaled […]